Sunday, March 1, 2015

March Update

Questions are done!  Interviews are done!

Our social worker is coming over on March 16 for the Home Visit part of our Home Study.

So, if all goes well, I think we are about a month-and-a-half away from having children in our home.


Still have a few things to check off the punchlist in the next few weeks...
  • Replace batteries in the smoke detectors
  • Install an extra smoke detector
  • Install doorknobs (the kind without locks) on the bedroom doors
  • Install locks on the liquor cabinet
  • Install locks on the cabinets under the kitchen sink
  • Get Rabies shots for the kitties
So, I'll be working on getting these done in the next couple of weeks.  I'm the handy type, so it falls in my wheelhouse.  If I can tackle just one thing at a time on most evenings after work, I'll be in good shape.

Wish us luck!    --BDM