Wednesday, February 15, 2012

This Ain't Easy

One of the reasons why I've stepped up my fertility quest recently is because I recently found a donor.  Yes, it's someone I know and love.  I was a big chicken about asking -- seriously, that's fucking scary! -- but this person mentioned their interest in another conversation, and, well, it developed from there.

We've had some beautiful discussions and contract negotiations, that further my positive feelings that this is the right person.  We are not interested in co-parenting, but even still, we are on the same page on many issues.  I love having real, adult conversations about really emotionally-charged topics, and having them like very mature adults!  I'm so glad that we're all grown-ups and can handle these things with grace and composure.  THIS AIN'T EASY, but doing it with the right people makes a huge difference.

So the contract is largely written, but still needs some tweaks.  Some great resources that I've used in building my contract are Single Mothers by Choice. and  My very good friend Z has been acting as legal counsel during negotiations, and while she pushes buttons and brings up topics we don't want to think/talk about, she's making sure that all bases are covered.

I'm feeling quite proud of myself lately.  THIS AIN'T EASY, but I'm checking all the little boxes and getting it done.  Tonight, I plan on curling up on the sofa with my herbal tea and perusing the book that arrived at my door today: Big, Beautiful & Pregnant.  Fatties need love too, and I've been hearing good things about this book.

Good night!  --BDM

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