Saturday, April 28, 2012

Now, wave your legs in the air!

Wave 'em like you just don't care!

Hi there, Big Dyke Mama coming to you live from her bedroom, where she is presently waving her legs in the air post-insemination.  TMI, you say?  Tough titties.  This is my fertility blog, and I can blog with my legs in the air if I want to.

So it turns out that I still have a 14-day luteal phase, even with the longer cycle.  Duly noted.  Because nothing happened last weekend, I suspected that we might see signs this weekend if we were going to see them at all.

So true!  Eggwhite, craving crunchy salad, horny, positive OPK.  Done.  Invited Thuper Thpermth over for dins and, well, etcetera.

So that leaves us here, legs up, and bored.  But we're getting to about that time that I can get up and move around.  You know, have some ice cream, take Thuper Thpermth home, watch movies on the sofa and whatnot.  Really wish I could hop in the bath, but that's a bad idea tonight.  Fingers crossed, friends!  Think baby-shaped thoughts!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Gonna take awhile for this egg to hatch

(Thanks, Liz Phair!)

Nothing's happened here yet at the Ovum Office.  I thought we might begin seeing signs of ovulation on Saturday, but nay.  Here we are on Tuesday, and nothing.

Crazy long cycle!

I've given Thuper Thpermth a heads-up and they're thanding by.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Fuzzy Math

So, due to the Chinese herbs prescribed by my acupuncturist (which WILL improve my chances of getting pregnant, he assures me), my cycles are waaaay longer than usual.  

When I'm getting laid regularly (like I am these days -- yay, sexy partner!), my cycle evens out at about 30 days, without much variation.  (I apologize if this is TMI, but when I'm not getting laid, my cycles are all! over! the! place!)  Since I've been on these herbs, it stretched out to 38 days.

I know what you are thinking -- Hey!  Fewer periods?  Where can I get me some Wen Jing Tang? -- and I'm right there with you.  But whilst we quest ever-onward toward fertility, it makes things a little difficult.  Do I start to map out my predicted fertile days based off a 14-day luteal phase?  Or a 22-day luteal phase?  Or something in-between?  I've been seriously charting for about 9 months, and only 1 of those months is 38 days long.  How I am supposed to tell?

I like to give the donor some notice so that schedules can be cleared and what-not.  I like to give a fairly tight window, and I've been able to track that so far.  Where I used to be able to get a 3-5 day window, this time I can only narrow it down to a 9-day window.

I'm not stressed about it on my end, I'm mostly just stressed about it as far as being fair to the donor.  

But who says that life -- especially the fertility-questing part of life -- is fair?

Saturday, April 7, 2012


First off, I have to say that I love women in ties.  Do the security guards at my office have any idea how much I love to watch them?  My heart flutters.

In other news, not pregnant.  My cycle is longer than it has been previously, so it's going to take a little bit of fuzzy math to figure out when my fertile days are for April.

In any case, fertility quest onward!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Probably not... but maybe

Three negative tests... but my period is many days late.

But I'm on Chinese herbs from my Acupuncturist that mess with my cycle a bit... but my temps have been high.

I'm nauseous like WHOA... but I have so many belly issues, nausea is not abnormal.

So probably not... but maybe?