Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Little Mermaid

Hello, fans of Homer!  Maybe it's been awhile, and you are judging me for not posting, but, you know, sometimes life gets busy.  I had two birthdays (I'm lucky that way), and, you know, other stuff, so, you know.  Busy.  But I missed you.

Physical Therapy is going well; I've been able to taper off to just once a week.  The therapists have set me up with a series of exercises that I do in the conference room at work, and things are feeling much better.  I can sit for an hour now!!  It's amazing!

My next prenatal visit (with ultrasound!) is on Monday, and I'm getting super-excited about that.  Dr. T the OB warned me at the last appointment that nausea may come later, and I think he was right.  I'm having a much harder time keeping on top of nausea this week.  I'm now at the point where I've got a stack of saltines by my bed to snack on through the night (you have to know how much CRACKERS in BED is actually killing my soul), and I opted to drive to work today instead of taking the bus because I wasn't sure I was going to keep those crackers down.

I made it, and made it through the day with only one trip to the bathroom to vomit.  Good enough.

Also, the Tired (yes, with a capital "T") is getting stronger.  I keep trying to push my bedtime back, but life (read: Facebook & porn) is too interesting.  So the mornings are rotten.  I'm so slow to get going, I push the snooze button too many times, and I arrive to work late.  Bah.  I'll finish up here and go straight to bed tonight.  I swear.

Last thing before I turn in: I had acupuncture on Friday, and while my acupuncturist left me on the table (sunny-side up) to cook for a while, I SWEAR ON ANYTHING that I felt Homer flip over.  Didn't feel like gas or a poop, it felt like a ping-pong ball rolling over.  The internets disagree as to whether or not this is possible for a first baby at 10 weeks, but you know what?  I don't care, internets.  That was Homer, playing The Little Mermaid with his imaginary Hot Crustacean Band, and you can't convince me otherwise.


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